Friday, May 29, 2020
Don’t neglect reading comprehension
Focus on weaknesses, but capitalize on strengths The GMAT has no shortage of intimidating problem types. For many test takers, Data Sufficiency and Critical Reasoning alone are enough to induce heart palpitations. Understandably, many students focus on these very intricate, complicated question types - and rightfully so! It is no easy feat to break down a complicated argument or to determine precisely how much information is required to solve a complicated math problem. In contrast, the Reading Comprehension questions are sometimes perceived as more â€Å"straightforward.†After all, we are just reading passages and answering questions based on what we read, right? We did this on the SAT and on every other standardized test ever. In the grand scheme of things, Reading Comprehension tends to be overshadowed by more demanding portions of the test. But, beware! By neglecting Reading Comprehension, you may be missing a key opportunity to rack up some points on the GMAT verbal section. Yes, standardized test prep is absolutely about honing in on weaknesses. However, much can be gained by capitalizing on our strengths as well. Let’s say that you consider the arguments to be the most challenging, so you harness all of your energy toward Critical Reasoning and manage to make some moderate improvements. Now, imagine you did this, but you’ve also really perfected Reading Comprehension and Sentence Corrections – NOW you are in a position to earn a truly competitive verbal score on the GMAT. All of that said, I would like to present some strategies for tackling an often overlooked section of the GMAT: Reading Comprehension. Our initial read-through is the MOST important partIt is no secret that the GMAT is a timed test. Timed tests create stressful environments. Stressful environments lead to rushing. Rushing is the enemy of the GMAT! In an effort to save time, it is tempting to simply skim the reading comprehension passages - or even to skip the initial read-through entirely and just focus on finding the answers. In most cases, this will make your task much harder. Questions take longer to answer when we only have a partial understanding of the text. By investing a bit more time in that initial readthrough, we can work through the questions more quickly and ultimately save time overall. What to do on our initial read-through On the initial readthrough, we do not necessarily need to memorize every detail, but we do want to get a sense of the passage’s key points and overall structure.1.) Make a â€Å"Passage Map†– Briefly jot down key points in the passage, including at least one key idea from each paragraph.2.) Primary Purpose – Make sure that you can identify in your own words the primary purpose of the passage as precisely as possible. Consider whether the author is summarizing, arguing, or evaluating something.3.) Central Claim – Identify the central claim of the author. Be careful not to merely identify the topic area. The central claim is typically an assertion, an opinion, or a thesis statement. Consider the sample passage below to see what I mean. The passage map outlines the structure of the passage and forces us to pay attention as we read. It is not necessary to write down the purpose and central claim, but be sure to at least think about these before moving onto the questions. Sample Passage Excerpt from pp. 40-41 ofThe Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review 2017(copyright 2016 by the Graduate Management Admission Council, published by John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ). "Exactly when in the early modern era Native Americans began exchanging animal furs with Europeans for European-made goods is uncertain. What is fairly certain, even though they left no written evidence of having done so, is that the first Europeans to conduct such trade during the modern period were fishing crews working the waters around Newfoundland. Archaeologists had noticed that sixteenth-century Native American sites were strewn with iron bolts and metal pins. Only later, upon reading Nicolas Denys’s 1672 account of seventeenth-century European settlements in North America, did archaeologists realize that sixteenth-century European fishing crews had dismantled and exchanged parts of their ships for furs. By the time Europeans sailing the Atlantic coast of North America first documented the fur trade, it was apparently well underway. The first to record such trade – the captain of a Portuguese vessel sailing from Newfoundland in 1501 – observed that a Native American aboard the ship wore Venetian silver earrings. Another early chronicler noted in 1524 that Native Americans living along the coast of what is now New England had become selective about European trade goods: they accepted only knives, fishhooks, and sharp metal. By the time Cartier sailed the Saint Lawrence River ten years later, Native Americans had traded with Europeans for more than thirty years, perhaps half a century." Passage Map Purpose of the Passage: to describe historians’ understanding of how fur trade between Europeans and Native Americans began to develop, and to present documentation in support of this understanding Central Claim(s): European fishing crews were the first to engage in fur trade, and this fur trade began sometime before 1500. Great! We have read and mapped out the passage. Now how do we approach the questions? With a thorough understanding of the passage, the questions should only take a few seconds each to answer. Below are some of the most important tips for answering Reading Comprehension questions. (1) Literal Evidence: GMAT reading is evidence based, meaning that answers must be explicitly stated in the passage. No answer choice will require you to use outside knowledge or make assumptions. (2) Exact Wording: Every word in the answer choice must be correct. Just one word or phrase is enough to knock out an entire answer choice. Correct answers are often very generally or vaguely worded – they won’t say anything particularly radical. (3) Pay Attention to Question: Is the question asking you what the author said, or why the author said it? Watch out for detail/inference questions (what is true about the passage?) versus purpose questions (why did the author say it?) Let us consider two sample questions about the above passage: Example 1: Which of the following best describes the primary function of the last sentence of the first paragraph? (A) It offers a reconsideration of a claim made in the preceding sentence. (B) It reveals how archaeologists arrived at an interpretation of the evidence mentioned in the preceding sentence. (C) It shows how scholars misinterpreted the significance of certain evidence mentioned in the preceding sentence. (D) It identifies one of the first significant accounts of seventeenth-century European settlements in North America. (E) It explains why Denys’s account of seventeenth-century European settlements is thought to be significant. Step 1: Identify the sentence that the question refers to. â€Å"Only later, upon reading Nicolas Denys’s 1672 account of seventeenth-century European settlements in North America did archaeologists realize that sixteenth-century European fishing crews had dismantled and exchanged parts of their ships for furs†Step 2: What is the question asking? This is a purpose question. We care less about what the sentence says and more about the role this sentence plays in the overall paragraph. Step 3: Literally state in your own words what this sentence is doing in relation to the paragraph. It’s establishes HOW archaeologists came to realize that it was the fishing crews that traded first. Step 4: Read through answers, and identify flaws and possible answers. I like to start by identifying single words and phrases that make answer choices wrong. Keep in mind that one â€Å"mistake†in an answer choice is enough to throw out the whole thing. (A) It offers a reconsideration of a claim†¦ (B) It reveals how archaeologists arrived at an interpretation (Yes! This seems right) of evidence mentioned in the previous sentence (the previous sentence mentioned iron bolts and metal pins – i.e. parts of ships) (C) It shows how scholars misinterpreted†¦ (D) It identifies one of the first significant accounts†¦ (E) It explains why Denys’s account of seventeenth European settlements is thought to be significant (hmm†¦ this account was significant. This answer does not seem terrible. Let’s come back to it.) Answer choices (A) and (C) are outright wrong. For answer choice (D), nothing indicates that this is â€Å"one of the first.†Answer choice (E) could be tempting: Denys’s account of seventeenth century European settlements IS significant, so this is factually correct. But, that’s not really the point of including this detail. Remember that this is a purpose question. Answer choice (B) is correct, because it actually describes how this detail relates to the rest of the paragraph and states the author’s primary purpose in including this detail. Let us look at one more example: Example 2: The passage suggests which of the following about the sixteenth-century Native Americans who trade with Europeans on the coast of what is now called New England? (A) By 1524 they had become accustomed to exchanging goods with Europeans. (B) They were unfamiliar with metals before encountering Europeans. (C) They had no practical uses for European goods other than metals and metal implements. (D) By 1524 they had become disdainful of European traders because such traders had treated them unfairly in the past. (E) By 1524 they demanded only the most prized European goods because they had come to realize how valuable furs were on European markets. Step 1: Identify relevant part of the passage. We are looking for some mention of â€Å"sixteenth-century Native Americans who trade with Europeans on the coast of what is now called New England.†We can find this about halfway through the second paragraph: â€Å"Another early chronicler noted in 1524 that Native Americans living along the coast of what is now New England had become selective about European trade goods: they accepted only knives, fishhooks, and sharp metal.†Step 2: What is the question asking? This is an inference question – it asks what the passage suggests. So, we are interested in what would definitely be true based solely on the information in this sentence. Step 3: Work through the answer choices. (A) By 1524, they had become accustomed to exchanging goods with Europeans. (I mean, yes. This is factually correct. They have been trading for a while by this point. This may explain why they felt comfortable making specific demands. Possibly the answer?) (B) They were unfamiliar with metals... (C) They had no practical uses uses for European goods other than metals (D) By 1524 they had become disdainful†¦ (E) By 1524 they demanded only the most prized European goods†¦disdainful†¦ Answer choices (B), (C), (D), and (E) have no real evidence. It is certainly possible that they were unfamiliar with metals, had no practical uses for other goods, or were disdainful. It is possible that knives and fishhooks were the most prized European goods. â€Å"Possible†is not good enough though. We need proof! Answer choice (A) is correct because there is proof of this. They have been exchanging goods for several decades by this point. Nothing about this answer choice requires any huge leaps in logic. In conclusion As you prepare to take the GMAT, do focus on the areas you struggle with most. By all means, work on those argument questions, practice data sufficiency, review those obscure grammar rules. But, do not neglect question types that may initially seem straightforward. Doing really well on Reading Comprehension could compensate for a lower Critical Reasoning or Sentence Correction score. So, remember to read carefully, take time to understand the question, and practice employing these techniques! The GMAT is a test you can prepare for. It is not an intelligence test. With the GMAT, more than with any other standardized test, having a clear and targeted strategy for your preparation will help you get a high score, while also allowing you to juggle your other priorities. If you’re applying to business school, you probably have a lot on your plate, and need your test preparation to be effective and efficient. You might be wondering why we’re so confident the GMAT can be mastered. The reason is simple: Because question types recur frequently, knowing instantly which methodologies to apply to each type of question dramatically improves scores. In essence, it allows you to know at a glance what the test is looking for. Your success on the GMAT depends on your ability to: Master content and recognize question types Strategically leverage the best materials for your specific needs Adopt a data-driven approach to diagnostic assessment Our tutors are experts at guiding students through these challenges. We also understand the make-or-break importance of the GMAT and we're dedicated to helping you beat the exam. Before you even meet with your tutor, we assess your strengths and weaknesses on a diagnostic exam. Based on your results, your tutor will construct a customized syllabus in advance of your first session. While your syllabus will be tailored to your unique needs, this roadmap provides a detailed example of how a Cambridge Coaching tutor will work to customize and structure your tutoring. ; Studying for the GMAT? Read some of our previous blog posts below! When should I guess on the GMAT? The Three Essential Factors that Contribute to GMAT Success Five Key Strategies: GMAT and GRE
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Abstract Bullying - 1358 Words
Abstract Bullying is a social and psychological issue among animals and humans that emerges in an emotional, verbal, or physical form. Although the issue of bullying among humans has existed for quite some time, recent research of the issue has grown significantly and indicates that bullying takes many forms and effects individuals or groups of different ages, genders, races, geographic locations, and socio-economic status. There are many causes of bullying and the goal of the analysis is to identify some of the causes, analyze recent measures of prevention, review interventions in place to assist in increased understanding of the issue, and examine how bullying has the potential to effect lifespan development at various stages.†¦show more content†¦Research has indicated that if a bully encounters a negative response from an individual or group, it clearly challenges the behavior of the bully and indicates that the group views the behavior as unacceptable. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History Essay - 1735 Words
History Manorialism was an economic system that existed in Western Europe from about 1050 to 1300 CE. Serfs who worked for a lord farmed large fields. The lord owned the fields and lived in a large manor house. He owned between a third and a half of all the crops. The serfs also had a part of the fields for themselves. Serfs couldn’t leave the manor and they had to give the lord a certain amount of their crops, but they could keep the surplus. The serfs lived together communally and worked the fields together using the three crop rotation. There was also a church and a parson who had his own house and part of the crops. Lords who were warriors that defended the manor and attacked neighboring manors created manors. The serfs had†¦show more content†¦A free man was also entitled to judgment before his equals and in accordance with the law before the state could enforce punishment. One short-term effect of the Magna Carta was that King John was denied the ability to finance a war with France. One long-term effect of the Magna Carta was that it limited government and bound the King to the law.(437) Canon Law The Western Church developed Canon Law during the 12th century. The ideas that drove the creation of the Canon Laws were conceived during the papacy of Pope Gregory VII. He saw the Church as an active organization that had to create â€Å"right order in the world†. Gregory VII thought that the papacy was superior to Kings and Emperors and he was very confrontational with them. His ideas drove the papacy to strive toward a â€Å"papal monarchy†. The Canon Laws were created as a basis for the Church to preside over matters pertaining to clergy as well as many civil areas such as marriage, adoption, and inheritance. The pope and bishops had the final say on all Court appeals in Canon Law courts. This gave the Church both power and prestige. One short-term effect of Canon Law was that Pope Innocent III had control of Kings and some of the rule over Western Europe’s governments. He brought Fredrick II to power in Germany and gained financial control over Eng land as a fief. He was also able to call the Crusades and raise money through income tax. One long-term effect of Canon Law was that it changed the Church.Show MoreRelatedHistory And History : History1540 Words  | 7 PagesAmrozia Shahram History 1301. P09 Essay History is integral part of our lives and historians play an important role to preserve history. Historians are present in every society. They have been around probably throughout the history of humanity. Their work however has become more methodical and systematic now. Modern day historians spend a lot of time searching for the truth from various sources of past information. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Bathing ape free essay sample
This assessment is aiming to outline the marketing strategies of the A Bathing Ape company from several viewpoints. A Bathing Ape Company, which formed and took off in Japan, they manufacture a mixture of products and service on a global scale. Nigo, a Japanese DJ founded the company in 1993. The brand popularity was one of main purpose of their success, even though they have a high pricing policy. However, their supplies are not equal to their demands their customers desired product and their production is limited. Therefore the buyer has to be fast in deciding if he wants he product before it goes out of stock. A Bathing Ape targets the hip hop and fashion scene (Rocherfort). This scarce amount of manufacturing gives the customers a uniqueness feeling, which leads to a high customer satisfaction. There will be further detailed information on the companys marketing policies afterwards in the report. This project has been done by a group five student for the module â€Å"Principles of Marketing†and it is based on the marketing tactic of 4 Ps. There have been a number of research strategies such as online sources, observation, articles, interviewing a store manager, and sources from the university library. The report and its allied presentation are due on Monday 22nd of November 2010. Company history There are 19 stores in Japan. The other three countries are Hong Kong, London, Paris, and New York, which will be mentioned about more. A Bathing Ape clothing is produced in limited amounts as they are very exclusive and this enables the company to set their price higher than other brands. Many well-known celebrities such as Lil Wayne, Pharrell Williams, Jay Z, Kid Cudi, and Robbie Williams collaborate with A Bathing Ape marketing strategies (Hall, 2005). The business also manufactures shoes and clothing as well as accessories and toys. These products are manufactured and distributed only by A Bathing Ape and their â€Å"Busy Works†stores around the world. Their exclusivity and celebrity endorsements have been profitable for the brand. People use A Bathing Ape products to their advantage as their constantly changes their products in stores, which makes consumers trade A Bathing Ape products. Kid Cudi (the rapper) used to work at A Bathing Ape store in New York until he made it big in the hip-hop industry. Kid Cudi now has teamed up with Nigo and they use Kid Cudis fame to their marketing advantage. They also release special edition t-shirts at these events. The A Bathing Ape Company also operates Bape Hair Salon and they have cafes known as â€Å"Bape!? †They also have futuristic designed shops with designed glass displays and gives technological shopping experiences. A Bathing Ape was one of the first companies to introduce Kevlar clothing into urban wear as a product. Nigo’s designs foreshadowed the urban hip-hop style that has come to prevail as a dominant youth fashion in Japan. A Bathing Apes product, place, price and promotion will be discussed more in depth. Product The Bathing Ape brand has a wide range of unique products. A Bathing Ape makes products such as toys, jeans, bags, monogrammed condoms, Iphone cases, underwear, watches, t-shirts, polo’s and shoes. A Bathing Ape sets their prices high as there products can be limited and traded. Nigo has designed most of the company’s products. A Bathing Ape clothing is well recognized because of its flashy designs and original artwork. The company also has unique packaging for their products. They introduced the Tee Box, which is a glass metal box which polo shirts come in and have other t shirts in free hanging boxes. A Bathing Ape always collaborates with other brands to combine products. Some companies that A Bathing Ape has collaborated with is Pepsi, M*A*C, and Carhartt. The logo and theme were derived from the original movie â€Å"Planet of the Apes. †A Bathing Apes logo can be found on all of their products. As A Bathing Ape offers the market a wide range of products such as dog clothing to sunglasses it can attract a large market. Nigo labeled â€Å"Ape Shall Never Kill Ape†on most of his products when he was first becoming recognized. Nigo gave his products to famous Japanese artist to wear during their performances to increase the brands exposure. What makes A Bathing Apes products so valuable is that they don’t mass-produce like other companies. A Bathing Ape does not only offer products to the market but services as well. The business operates Bape Cafes, Bape Galleries, Bape Cuts (Hair salon) and they even have Bape TV as well as a record label. A Bathing Ape is known for their camouflage designs as it their classic pattern. The company’s products first began appearing on the back streets of Tokyo’s edgy neighborhood (Pollock, 2008). Place The Bathing Apes stores are located globally . Because it is a high- end brand their stores need to be located in famous central areas. For example London’s Carnaby Street is known for its unique and limited edition clothing. Further these popular areas have brands such as Adidas placed there, with their limited edition stores, as do many other brands. The London store is nothing compared to the interior decor that the other stores use to attract customers. Aoyama the A Bathing Ape store in Japan has very technological designs. Shoes are placed behind a glass cage on a rotating conveyer belt and t-shirts come down tubes with just the push of a button. The emphasis of changing lights and colorful designed clothes attract their customers. A Bathing Ape store also provides their staff with A Bathing Ape clothing to wear while they work. This similar strategy is used by many other brands such as Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, and Polo. The Hong Kong Bape store is the largest Nigo owns its 2 levels high and located in the centre of the city. The store has huge pictures of Nigo and A Bathing Ape characters to advertise their brand. The company store De Colette in Paris is the only store that features individual areas for other brands such as Billionaire Boys Club and Ice Cream. De Colette also has a unique designed cafe, which adds to the A Bathing Ape shopping experience. The store in New York uses the same concept as the other stores. Promotion A Bathing Apes style of promotion is very distinctive to other clothing brands as they do not want to tarnish their brand image they never lower the price of their clothing or have sales. The brand knows that many of their products the demand exceeds the supply greatly and they use this to their advantage for example A Bathing Ape shark hoodies were sold for ? 300 but once they were immediately sold out people were reportedly paying into the thousands for them. The main way in which A Bathing Ape promotes its self without tarnishing the brand image is smart they collaborate with other brands such as Adidas on some pairs of limited edition sneakers. A Bathing Ape does promotions like this all the time with many other well-known brands such as Carhartt. By doing these type of promotions they get a lot of publicity as well as more outside interest in their brand and still charge more than their usual price. A Bathing Ape also collaborate with many well-known celebrities such as Kanye West, Kid Cudi and Ian brown on selected items, which would be made even more limited edition. When A Bathing Ape produce all of these items they will make sure they get every detail of their design even into their packaging for example the A Bathing Ape x Marvel sneakers are packed into toy like packaging which makes the product stand out on shelves and look unique. A Bathing Ape is a company which has products on sale which are constantly a promotional products such as during the summer they released A Bathing Ape x Birkenstocks which where A Bathing Ape monogrammed Birkenstock sandals this would be just one of their summer collaborations. By collaborating with brands like Adidas and Birkenstock who already have a large customer base this would attract a lot of attention to the bathing ape brand. With promotions like these help both of the brands market their products for example when A Bathing Ape teamed up with Casio and re designed the classic G-shock watch, which was a top seller during the 90’s era. The watches were first released in ceramic white and mate black they turned out to be top sellers and only 1500 of each were produced many people wanted to get their hands on one of these watches because they were on the front page of magazines and constantly in music videos. Not long after the replica market noticed the demand for A Bathing Ape goods and started producing the replicas of the watches so that most of the public were able to obtain a replica. A Bathing Ape mainly relies on hip-hop celebrities to market their brand via music videos and in their lyrics. They are not just targeting a stereotype they are targeting a lifestyle. Price A Bathing Ape has an effective pricing policy that runs throughout all their stores. The company uses the same pricing range for their product globally. A Bathing Ape does not have discounts on their products making them all valuable. Additionally they do not have wholesale and seasonal pricing. They also keep their exclusivity by not dealing with retail stores. Another good aspect of the A Bathing Ape’s pricing method is that they offer Bape cards in which customers can earn credit points by purchasing products. This also is beneficial to the company as they can study shopping patterns to see which products are in demand. Their limited edition products never depreciate in value which mean even the used good may value more expensive that the brand new of the same products. For instant, because of their limited edition production policy, a used pair of shoes would cost more when it is out of stock. Conclusion: To conclude, the four P’s of the marketing mix play a huge role in the success of A Bathing Ape. The company produces and sells a wide variety of products that attract most target markets. They sell products from t-shirts, jeans and shoes to toys and pencil cases to watches. All of the products the company produces are limited edition so they run out quickly. This technique makes the customers go to the store as quickly as possible and buy the product they want as soon as it comes out into stores. The company also promotes its brand name by making deals with huge multinational corporations such as Pepsi. The prices of A Bathing Ape’s products are the same in every single country that they have stores in. The company doesn’t usually have discounts or sales in specific stores. The prices of the products always remain the same no matter what part of the year it is. A Bathing Ape has stores in many countries around the world including Japan, Hong Kong, United Kingdom and the United States. The locations of the company’s stores are in the very urban parts of the city, especially within large shopping centers.
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